Perhaps you have tried and fell short of achieving the goals you set for yourself in the past. And as a result it’s likely you unconsciously created a negative set of blueprints and references around your ability to achieve goals in the future. Identifying and changing those blueprints will be critical to your future success. Tom Terwilliger

The Top 5 Reasons Why YOU Don’t Need To Set Goals


The very idea of “setting goals” suggests that you are not happy or completely satisfied with what you already have and where you are in your life. Buying into the concept that “the grass is always greener on the other side” does preclude the probability of ever being fully content with what you have‚ right now.

Recognizing and appreciating what you have now is a critical component in the achievement process. The grass is always greener philosophy only leads to dissatisfaction when there is no real hope of continued self improvement and the very real possibility of having tomorrow what you desire today.


Setting goals and focusing your attention, passion and effort on their achievement carry with it the very distinct and real possibility of risking even losing what you already have.

It is true that dividing your energy and focus when you are already juggling several balls could cause you to drop one or all. But the question is how long you can keep juggling before you drop the balls anyway. Although safety and security may appear to be your most overwhelming desire at the moment they are only the first level of on our pyramid of needs. Safety and security are far more likely to be obtained when you seek to achieve abundance.


If God wanted you to have and be more he/she would have changed your circumstances already.

“God helps those who help themselves.” Ben Franklin was right! God wants us to make manifest our magnificence and will assist us in doing so when we take action. Faith is one thing inaction based on waiting for God’s divine intervention is another.


You tried setting goals in the past, failed miserably to achieve them, and wound up frustrated and discouraged – so why try again? It’s a waste of time.

If you gave up the first time you tried to walk would you ever have learned to run? Like a servo mechanism you have the ability based on feedback to correct and continue. When you have a specific target getting off track provides you with the much needed feedback to ultimately hit your target. But without the decision to continue the feedback would have been worthless.


Most people who set goals fail- so why should I be any different?

If you don’t realize how different you are than everyone else check your fingerprints against the 6 billion other people on the planet sometime. The majority of those 6 billion people doesn’t understand the RULES of Achievement and fail to achieve their goals for one or all of the following seven reasons.

1. They have not clearly identified what they TRULY want.

2. They don’t have a compelling enough reason for overcoming the obstacles needed to achieve it.

3. They over or underestimate how close they are to their objective.

4. They haven’t looked far enough down the road to identify what resources they are going to need.

5. They fail to recognize their progress and wind up frustrated and discouraged.

6. They don’t have a real or compelling enough vision of the intended outcome.

7. They don’t take the first step or consistent action toward its attainment.

You, on the other hand, have at your disposal the guide for doing it right you have the 7 RULES of Achievement.

  •   Go deep inside the inner workings of your unconscious mind as it pertains to identifying and achieving goals.
  •  Learn how do great achievers do it. Tom Terwilliger answers that question by identifying and exploring 7 key tenants or RULES employed either consciously or unconsciously by almost all great achievers.
  •  You will not only identify the 7 strategic steps to achieving any objective but also provides several neuro-pathway changing exercises for re-program your “internal goal seeking success mechanism.”
  •  The 7 RULES of Achievement is not simply a book, nor is it simply about reading; it’s about doing, taking action and changing your internal success thermostat’s set point on a cellular level.


Tom Terwilliger | 7 RULES of Achievement