While our world is facing numerous economic, social, and environmental crises, one of our greatest signs of hope is the rapidly growing field of social entrepreneurship which embraces a triple bottom line – people, planet, and profit.

This truly unique global tele-series will inspire and empower you to think bigger, strategize better, and make the contribution you’re capable of making.

I am honored to share the stage with some of my personal heroes, NY Times #1 best-selling authors, self-made millionaire entrepreneurs, and global visionaries such as Marianne Williamson, John Robbins, Ali Brown, Bruce Lipton (<– one of my VERY favorite), Julia Butterfly Hill, Bill Drayton and more inspiring pioneers of social change.

Please join us and discover how these people came up with brilliant ideas, and against all odds, succeeded at creating humanitarian products, services, and organizations that are transforming the world.

I invite you to join me and the other 38 inspiring leaders:

Get the details and RSVP

All of this costs you nothing because we are committed to reaching as many people as we can with this series, and we don’t want money to be a barrier for anyone.

See the full lineup of speakers

These are people who have built movements for social change, justice, and environmental sustainability that have catalyzed millions of people. Their business acumen has helped them to build prosperous companies and organizations that are making a dramatic positive difference in people’s lives.

You’ll get the latest thinking on green marketing, conscious marketing, mission-based business, online movement building, client attraction, book authoring and marketing, branding, niching, outsourcing, generating a mindset for success, the blueprint for starting a social enterprise, and the steps behind a successful product launch.

The first wave (Jan 11-20) includes leading global visionaries and social change activists who will inspire our compassion, creativity, and collective vision of a better world. The second wave (Feb 8-17) features some of the world’s top business mentors sharing the inside story on how they became successful.

As I said, I am honored to be a part of such cool group of people!!

Registration details and a complete list of speakers

Be sure to join me and Master coach John Rowley on tomorrow’s (Thursday, May 27) Achievement Masters teleseminar series. Listen to the show live, we will be taking one audience member, coaching him/her for free and tracking the life changing results on the show over 90 days!!

John is also giving away as part of his Lifestyle Transformation Coaching launch 2, 30 day lifestyle coaching  jumpstart packages plus by being on the call live your hear some of the best coaching tips you can get this side of the equator.

Make sure you join us..

Click the link for details ———-> http://tinyurl.com/RowleyOne

New friend, West Conner gives a heart-felt testimonial for me, Tom Terwilliger and my new book, 7 Rules of Achievement.

Simply awesome –Thank you, West!

YOU: Kick Ass or Full of Hot Air?



Where are you being innovative and setting your own
world land speed record in your life and business?

The Secret of Achievement

The secret of achievement is NOT to let what you’re doing get to you BEFORE you get to it!!


Hey Bloggers!

If you own and/or contribute to an active blog, you can apply to receive a free advance copy of 7 RULES of Achievement by filling out this form.

Before you apply, we just ask that you’re able to meet these requirements:

1. You maintain an active blog, meaning that it’s updated at least once a week.

2. You agree to blog, Facebook and tweet, if on Twitter an honest review of the book on May 12, 2010 or during that week. (It’s okay to blog beforehand as long as you also blog on May 12th or the week of May 12th.)

If so, then go ahead. Give us a holler! We’ll let you know if we have any follow-up questions. Thanks!