Have you ever had the experience of holding back or not doing something because you were afraid it wouldn’t be perfect? Or maybe you doggedly and tirelessly worked on perfecting something before revealing or releasing it -and by the time you did (if you ever did) it was to late or you completely missed the impact it might have had earlier? Or maybe you got so caught up in making sure it was “just right” that you missed out on the fun or reward of just freaking doing it.

It happens all the time.

I can remember as a stupid kid missing out on a really cool and what should have been fun bike ride all my friends were taking just because I had to make sure my bike had the perfect spit shine… I was seriously bummed.

Case in point:

Last week I sent out an email (perhaps you received it) announcing a very special teleseminar I was doing with lifestyle strategist, John Rowley. The email started with a silly spelling error that I nor my computers spell check (which I depend on heavily) had caught.

Here was the line from that email:

“If you have ever been asked for advise or have even been given advise… you already have an idea of exactly what coaching IS NOT!”

Did you catch the errors? (more…)

Be sure to join me and Master coach John Rowley on tomorrow’s (Thursday, May 27) Achievement Masters teleseminar series. Listen to the show live, we will be taking one audience member, coaching him/her for free and tracking the life changing results on the show over 90 days!!

John is also giving away as part of his Lifestyle Transformation Coaching launch 2, 30 day lifestyle coaching  jumpstart packages plus by being on the call live your hear some of the best coaching tips you can get this side of the equator.

Make sure you join us..

Click the link for details ———-> http://tinyurl.com/RowleyOne

Well, I think we can agree that we don’t want to be just anywhere. We want to be where it is we want to be, and we want to know for sure we’re there.

Creating personalized easily recognizable and undeniable road signs, landmarks, and mile markers, to help you recognize where you are on your journey is imperative. Those same signs will also tell you exactly when you have arrived at your destination. It is important to understand that the terrain itself will look different than the map you have created. The map is the overview; the terrain is (more…)

Achievement Process 7 of  7

In this video I share the 7th RULE  in the Achievement Process and what it’s going to take to claim and hold your turf against some serious opposition. This RULE perhaps more than any other RULE in The 7 RULES of Achievement can make or break your ability to succeed.

– The Achievement Mentor

New friend, West Conner gives a heart-felt testimonial for me, Tom Terwilliger and my new book, 7 Rules of Achievement.

Simply awesome –Thank you, West!

Achievement Training part 6 of 7:

In this video training Tom Terwilliger, The Achievement Mentor and #1 best selling author of 7 RULES of Achievement goes beyond the tangible application of the first 5 RULES of Achievement and invokes the power of IMAGINATION.

Achievement Process part 5 of 7

I explore how the map is different than the terrain and that evidence of progress is critical in eliminating frustration and failure.  Make sure you have determined in advance what you must see, hear, or feel to know with absolute certainty that you are making progress and when you have arrived.

-The Achievement Mentor

Achievement Process part 4 of 7

It’s all about identifying in advance the resources you currently have and the resources you are very likely going to need to reach the finish line. After watching this video and putting the lesson into practice there will never be another “legitimate” excuse for not reaching your desired outcome.

Stop Breaking The RULES and Start Achieving Your Potential

The Achievement Mentor


“You may be motivated by any number of different superficial things, or stuff, but your true motivators, your deepest WHYS have nothing to do with the “stuff” and everything to do with your values and beliefs.”

– The Achievement Mentor

Achievement Process pt 3 0f 7:

Tom Terwilliger, the Achievement Mentor and author of 7 RULES of Achievement asks the question, “Where are you in relation to your objective?” Knowing specifically where you are in the achievement process is critical to your success. Without an exact position you will likely run around in circles until you’re frustrated and ready quit. Sound familiar? Find out how to break the cycle.